tirsdag den 9. oktober 2012

Pay it forward..

Dear Agony Aunt,

I am an 11-year-old boy who live with my mother and I have a big problem. I hope you can help me and give me a piece of advice.
My mom is an alcoholic and I would really like for her to stop. She often has hang-overs but she lies to me about it, cause she won't admit her problem. My father left us, so I feel like the adult in the house, and that's too much responsibility for an 11-year old like me. My mom's got 2 jobs, so I don't really see her that much, but I still care about her a lot. The drinking has been going on for quite a while now and she has a sponsor in AA, but she skips her appointments some times. It really affects me, but I don't think she knows or sees it. I really want the drinking to stop, and for my mom to feel happy, but most of all I would like my mother back.

Thank you in advance,

tirsdag den 2. oktober 2012


I have to do this assignment about a special person. I have chosen my mom, because she means a lot to me. 
  • Why is this a special person?
- Because she's always there for me, and she gives me some good advice. She's the one I can talk with all the time, and I love her till death. 
  • What is your relationships like?
- Me and my mom fight sometimes. It's not often, and it's often about money or school. We almost have a 'friendly' relationship, and we do funny things together. We can watch movies, shop or just talk. 
  • When did you get close?
- I've always had a good relationship with both my parents, but when they got divorced, I kinda got closer to them. Especially my mom. We got closer and closer, and we began to spend a lot of time together. 
  • Best experience together
- My mom and I have had a lot of good experiences. We're going to London soon, and I hope that it's gonna be one of the best experiences. But when I was preparing for my confirmation , my mom and I spent a whole evening in Tønder, where we looked at dresses and was on a restaurant. That was a fantastic day.
  • Did you ever have a crisis or an argument?
- Yeah sometimes my mom and I fight, but it's not that often. When we DO fight, I get really upset, because she means a lot to me. When I'm having a bad day, and I take it out on her, (not on purpose of course,) I feel guilty. I don't like fighting with my mom, and she doesn't like fighting with me. 
  • Why you love him or her
- I love her so much, cause she's always there for me. I really don't think I'm capable of living without her, to be honest. I like the things we do together, and I'm glad we have the relationship, that we have. 

Me and my mom at my confirmation.