mandag den 3. december 2012

Ashley pink hair..

My name is Ashley Wallace, and I'm a student at Northgate High School. I have a problem, and the problem is, that my hair color isn't acceptable at my school. On the school group photo, my hair color has been changed into a mousy brown instead of my normal pink hair. Even my head teacher Neil Watts has said, that my hair color doesn't show a good example of the school's policy. I think it's humiliating and rude, so I told my friends about it, and they agree. I know the hair color isn't normal, but I think it gives a good image of my personality. I really like the color, and I will never change it. My family supports me, and if i have to move to another school because of my hair, I'll do it.

tirsdag den 9. oktober 2012

Pay it forward..

Dear Agony Aunt,

I am an 11-year-old boy who live with my mother and I have a big problem. I hope you can help me and give me a piece of advice.
My mom is an alcoholic and I would really like for her to stop. She often has hang-overs but she lies to me about it, cause she won't admit her problem. My father left us, so I feel like the adult in the house, and that's too much responsibility for an 11-year old like me. My mom's got 2 jobs, so I don't really see her that much, but I still care about her a lot. The drinking has been going on for quite a while now and she has a sponsor in AA, but she skips her appointments some times. It really affects me, but I don't think she knows or sees it. I really want the drinking to stop, and for my mom to feel happy, but most of all I would like my mother back.

Thank you in advance,

tirsdag den 2. oktober 2012


I have to do this assignment about a special person. I have chosen my mom, because she means a lot to me. 
  • Why is this a special person?
- Because she's always there for me, and she gives me some good advice. She's the one I can talk with all the time, and I love her till death. 
  • What is your relationships like?
- Me and my mom fight sometimes. It's not often, and it's often about money or school. We almost have a 'friendly' relationship, and we do funny things together. We can watch movies, shop or just talk. 
  • When did you get close?
- I've always had a good relationship with both my parents, but when they got divorced, I kinda got closer to them. Especially my mom. We got closer and closer, and we began to spend a lot of time together. 
  • Best experience together
- My mom and I have had a lot of good experiences. We're going to London soon, and I hope that it's gonna be one of the best experiences. But when I was preparing for my confirmation , my mom and I spent a whole evening in Tønder, where we looked at dresses and was on a restaurant. That was a fantastic day.
  • Did you ever have a crisis or an argument?
- Yeah sometimes my mom and I fight, but it's not that often. When we DO fight, I get really upset, because she means a lot to me. When I'm having a bad day, and I take it out on her, (not on purpose of course,) I feel guilty. I don't like fighting with my mom, and she doesn't like fighting with me. 
  • Why you love him or her
- I love her so much, cause she's always there for me. I really don't think I'm capable of living without her, to be honest. I like the things we do together, and I'm glad we have the relationship, that we have. 

Me and my mom at my confirmation. 

onsdag den 12. september 2012

My cellphone and I..

I had to do this in English, so this is a short video of me telling about my phone history. :-)

mandag den 10. september 2012

Juno summary..

Juno is a funny 16-year-old girl, who lives in the USA with her dad, stepmom and little sister. She goes to High School but isn't the most popular girl. Her best friend is Pauly Bleeker, he's a runner. One day in Spanish class, they decide to make a deal, that they'll sleep together. Unfortunately Juno gets pregnant, and she has to make a decision. She chooses to get an abortion, but when she hears that the baby has fingernails, she won't abort it. Instead she chooses to keep the baby, but give it up for adoption. She finds a great couple named Mark and Vanessa. The can't have children, and Vanessa desperately wants a child. Mark on the other hand, is a free soul and likes to play rock music. Meanwhile Juno feels fat and ugly. She's feeling a bit sad, because Pauly isn't noticing her anymore. Juno finds a new friend in the adoptive parent Mark, and they watch movies and listen to music together. But when Juno's almost about to give birth, Mark decides that he doesn't want a baby. Then Mark and Vanessa get a divorce, and Juno is heartbroken. She wants her child to grow up in a happy healthy family. In the end, Juno decides to give the baby to Vanessa, cause she wants a baby so bad, and she's such a sweet woman. After Juno gives birth to her son, Pauly comes to see her, and they get together.

tirsdag den 4. september 2012

Presentation of me..

My name is Benedikte, and I'm a Danish girl who wants to live in London. I'm in the 9th Grade and this blog is for my English classes. There's not really much to say about me, I don't really have a hobby, but I really like listening to music. Besides that I really enjoy English, and I'm going to London the 4th of October, and I'm very excited about that. I'm going to blog about some English stuff, so I'm doing my best on my typing mistakes.
-Bene (my nickname)

Justin Bieber <3

1D <3